Sharing With Love

Sunday, October 24, 2010

V - Season 1, Episode 6.

I’m Cuchee the guest blogger for Fragments and I’m back with another review of last night’s episode of “V”. Poor Georgie was captured by the Vs when he went up the mother ship thinking that Ryan was in trouble. Gosh, what made him do that? He didn’t have any idea how to deal with the Vs. That was like suicidal, don’t you think? Oh and we meet Ericka’s husband for the first time. They’re aren’t telling us why they broke up and what sort of past she has, but I bet the writers wrote those scenes on purpose just to get us hooked to the story. What is it about Ericka’s past that she wants to hide? And Anna knows that the fifth column is getting stronger so she devised a scheme to pick out the traitors in her ship. There is this part that I don’t quite understand. At the last part when she asked all her suspects to swallow a pill that will turn them into flames, only one guy was left and he was identified as a member of the Fifth column. Those who were willing to die for her were deemed as “not traitors”. That poor guy who didn’t swallow the pill was ordered to be skinned. I think since he was going to face death anyway, he should have just swallowed the damned pill! Which would have been better huh? To turn to immediate flames or skinned? Yikes!

Ryan slipped something into Valerie’s drink from the ship. I wonder what that is and what does it do. According to Joshua, once that is given to a human, there is no turning back. Her tummy moved in a funny way while she was sleeping. Another hook to keep us watching this program….Good one there but gross! I bet this is to keep viewers hanging on to find out what will become of the baby.

Ok, I’m Cuchee signing off again. Wait for my next review on “V”. Ciao!