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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Review: V Season 1 Episode 5

I’ve been following this series for a couple of weeks now. V is a science fiction TV show about Aliens (V) who seemingly come to earth in peace but actually have a sinister agenda in their plans, possibly to overtake the world? We don’t really quite know what the aliens are up to at this moment but they appear to be very smart as they try to build diplomatic ties with the humans by offering to share their advance technology and medical expertise in curing diseases that humans have not found a cure for.

Among their alien species, there is a group of good aliens known as the fifth column (I wonder why they picked this name) who want to prevent the bad aliens from achieving their evil agenda. They are on the human’s side. Isn’t that great? Meanwhile some of the humans have formed a resistance group to brace themselves for the V’s agenda and maybe save the world from their evil plans.

Ok now for the main plot of last night’s show. Erica the FBI agent is attacked by a V at her home but she manages to put that V down after a fight. Jack the priest is not so lucky, he gets stabbed by the same V guy in his church and he is sent to a V centre for treatment by another priest who probably is on the side of the Vs. The V doctors cure him but he is injected with a serum that the Vs use as a tracking device on humans. Fortunately, Georgie retrieves him from the center but we don’t know how Georgie gets to him at the centre at all.

Tyler who is Erica’s son refuses to come home. Both Anna and Lisa are actually going through his memories for own their evil agenda and Tyler of course doesn’t know that. Erica is worried sick when her son doesn’t come home and she knows he is on the mothership of the Vs. Ryan also has a conflict to deal with. His girlfriend is pregnant with his child. She doesn’t know he is not human and her pregnancy is strangely accelerating at an unusual rate. Ryan is worried but he can’t tell her he is not human yet. (oh no what will happen then?).

And Erica has more to worry about. She and her resistance group were earlier at the warehouse which they had exploded to prevent supplies of syringes from reaching the V’s medical. They already know that the aliens are up to something with syringes. When she gets back to work at the FBI office, she has to play the role of the dutiful agent who is on the side of the Vs. The FBI at this moment do not know that the V’s are bad. The Vs tell her they have very advance technology and they are able to tell who blew up the warehouse in a few minutes. Just when we thought they were going to find out it was Erica’s group (watch the suspense and Erica’s face), the computer retrieves a fingerprint of someone else called Kyle who is a dangerous mercenary. Strange, they never get find it out it was Erica and her group at all. Shouldn’t there be more than one fingerprint? Erica and her resistance group then get to Kyle first before the FBI does. They recruit him to join their resistance group because he could help them fight against the Vs….Oh…and Anna decides to breed her own army by mating with a soldier. The mating process looked weird and scary. I’m not sure if it was because our local TV station had applied some censorship. It ended with a scene of her turning around looking lashing out like a snake or was quick one so I was left in suspense over what was that…..there…that’s as far as the show went…we have to watch the next episode to find out more.

Check out the DVD from Amazon if you are interested in Sci-fi shows: