Sharing With Love

Sunday, November 14, 2010

V Season 1, Episode 9.

Last night’s V was scarier as usual. Valerie checks into a V medical center and boy, that was a wrong move. The Vs are now alerted that there is a fetus who is half V and half human out there and they want to kill it. Ryan manages to get Valerie away but it is too late. Anna sends a V soldier to look for them. Meanwhile Ryan goes on the run with Valerie. He takes along his V doctor friend to the house of two 5th column friends. Sadly, the V soldier kills his two friends and they have to run again. Valerie is still mad with Ryan for not telling her the truth so she doesn’t want him to follow her. She now wants to travel alone with the good v doctor on her own. Ryan has no choice but to leave her.

Remember the human who works for the Vs? We learn why he joined the Vs’ side. His daughter was paralyzed in an accident and the Vs helped him so he is indebted to them which is why he kills for the Vs. When he shows his loyalty for the Vs by refusing to tell Ericka and her friends what he knows, they leave him with Kyle who will do God-knows-what to him. Kyle is a merciless guy. We are left guessing because the scene ended there.

Anna has plans for Tyler to go on her live aboard program. She has big plans to use him. Tyler is all in for it but he knows his mother will not approve. So Anna sends her daughter Lisa to talk to Erica but…now that Lisa has developed some emotions, she feels for Erica so she tells Tyler to listen to his mother. When she gets back, she convinces her mother to delay getting Tyler on the program too. Maybe Lisa will help the 5th column one day? Hmmmm…