And now, back to my experiment on the Self Enhanced Memory Matrix aka SEM3 from Tony Buzan’s Master Your Memory
. This month I will attempt memorize the 100 basic words in the Russian language. I plan to study about 5 words per day. These 100 words will be pegged from 5301 to 5400 in my memory matrix. In all my images for these words, there will be a Russian girl (since I already have an Italian guy in the previous 100 words) and the action here is mingling. It’s kind of hard coming up with images for abstract words so usually I just make up a story.
5301 – There is no Russian Word for A or An
5302 – Russian girl is mingling with Noah and his group of friends from the AFTER-life. They are having a conversation with her and they are wondering how to POST a letter while LYing in their coffins. (POSLE)
5303 – Russian girl is mingling with her MA and pa (whose name is Joe). Her pa asks her MA a question AGAIN because he is slightly deaf. So Ma has to reply for the umpteenth time, YES JOE very loudly. (Eshche)
5304 – Russian girl is mingling with ALL of the cast from the ra ra show. And she gives a small sapphire (VSE) stone to each one of them.
5305 – Russian girl is mingling with a group of LAW makers such as policemen and judges at a party hosted by her. ALMOST all of them like her PARCHED TEA (Pochti). All except one who prefers coffee.