Sharing With Love

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Twilight Part 2

I’m now a few chapters into the book, Twilight . So far the story hasn’t quite taken off yet. As at this point, Bella has been a damsel in distress twice and Edward has come to her rescue on both occasions. The usual teenage drama unfolds as we meet the rest of her classmates and it goes something like this: A likes B but B is very quiet and mysterious and keeps away. C and D both like A. C is very persistent for A’s attention and has been hanging around A a lot. D is jealous of C but is not so persistent with A. Then comes E who likes C and is jealous of A because of the E can’t get C’s attention. A knows this and tries to keep away from C and D because A is thinking of B only. Then comes F who is contemptuous of A and B for reasons that we still don’t know of at this point in the story. Perhaps if I am a few years younger, this part of the story would appeal to me. I’m so way over all this ABCDE stuff now. But then again, these are high school kids that we’re talking about so we can’t possibility expect these kids to be like 20 year olds. (Yawn) I can’t wait for the vampires and werewolves to make their appearances into the story. I’m going to read on until the action starts. Hang on until my next review. This is Fluffy the Cub reporter signing off as guest blogger for Fragments. Ciaoz!