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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown Part 7.

I’m now into three quarters of the book. I’ve a better word to describe this book. It is very x-files-like. Stuff that are so intriguing and interesting but I really don’t know how much is real and how much is fiction. I didn’t know that the Great Seal of United States has got Masonic links or is this writer just very, very creative? There was some mentioned about the CIA using parapsychological or psi program on people but it is not proven. (Reminds me of the Xfiles and Fringe!!) and the CIA involvement in the 1995 Stargate scandal. I actually thought Stargate was only a movie. Hahahaha! But Yogis and some mystics are already practicing something similar…that’s how the story goes… Oh, and the Freemasons actually have a sister organization known as the The Order of the Eastern Star. Now that one does exits. I found their website too. The bad character Mal’ahk practices a dark art complete with sacrificial lambs and some chanting of strange words. Before this book, I thought only characters in the Harry Potter practiced Dark Arts. Dan Brown never fails to intrigue me with his writing. I must admit I kind of like his stories. He is very creative. No wonder some of his books became movies. To be continued in the next review…

Fluffy the cub reporter is a guest blogger for Fragments. She’s currently reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown and writing her thoughts on the story as she progresses through the book.