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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Learning Italian Language with SEM3

This week I plan to revise some of the basic Italian words that I learnt using the SEM3 aka self enhanced memory matrix from Tony Buzan’s Master Your Memory. Due to the fact that I’ve not been revising much, I have forgotten some of the words that I learnt. So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to think aloud…or rather, write out my thoughts on the images I have formed in my mind. Writing it out helps to reinforce the images in the mind I guess. The contents of my blog may seem strange to some of you. You’ll have to read the book on the SEM3 to know what I’m writing about.

I shall start with the last 15 words of the list from word no. 85 to 100. In the matrix, I’m using numbers 5201 to 5300 for Italian words. The words for that range are under the category of “sensation” and the 200 series words are under the sensation of “Nuzzling”.

5286 – Up – Super – I see an Italian Guy in a SUPERman (Su-pair) outfit and he is nuzzling a fish. The fish is wearing a cape and it takes off into the air saying “UP,UP and away!”. So Su-pair means Up in Italian.

5287 – Us – Noi – An Italian band playing in the fog. And then my famous Italian hero emerges from the fog and he is pointing to a map of the US of american on his t-shirt and saying that it is very NOIsy but the last syllabus is drowned out because the band is indeed too noisy. So the word Noi is Us.

5288 – The Italian guy is carrying a dog called FiFi and as he is holding the dog up, we can see that the dog is wearing a diaper and he says” You also?” (lo uso) and he stands up to reveal that he is also wearing a diaper, a plus sized one. This means that “lo uso” means “I use”.

5289 – Italian guy is hugging and nuzzling each of the Beatles (The Fab 4) and he is saying they are VERY hot but he doesn’t know how to say hot in English so he says VERY MOLTO.

5290 – Italian guy is on a bus nuzzling the bus driver and he is pointing to his band mates (remember them from the fog?”) and he is saying “WE are very NOIsy”. I know this is a lousy image…I can’t think of a better one for now. The word NOI can mean US or We.

5291 – Italian guy is at a cooking competition with some judges near him. He is stirring a big pot of his GOUMET (come) with a baseball bat that he is nuzzling with. The judges are confused and think he is nuts so they are thinking “WHAT is this?”

5292 – Italian guy is at a takeKUANDO (quando) competition and he is nuzzling a bun asking his opponent, “WHEN are you going to hit me? “

5293 – A DOVE (doh-veh) is nuzzling the bum of an Italian guy and he farts and sends the poor DOVE flying in the air feeling lost. So the dove is confused and asked “Where?”

5294 – Italian guy is at the bar nuzzling with a WITCH (which) and he wearing a KWALI (quale) on his head.

5295 – Italian guy is nuzzling a ball and he pulls out a KEY (chi) from the ball with his mouth and he says “WHO is this for?”

5296 - - Italian guy is at the beach trying to nuzzle with a babe and he is PUCKERING (pehche or peh-keh) his lips. And the poor babe says “WHY me?”

5297 – Italian guy is nuzzling a book and on the cover of the book is a picture of a corn (CON) and he tries to take a WHIFF (with) of the corn from the cover.

5298 – Italian guy is riding on a huge slab of beef that is floating on the SEA (si) and he shouting “YES! YES! YES!”

5299 – Italian guy is a smoking a pipe and smokey little “2”s (tu) are floating out of the pipe. And then slowly the little 2s form the word “You”.

5300 – An old Italian guy is writing a thesis. And his mean friends are saying, YOUR ideas…. “EE SO OLD” (ll suo) , “write LESSER AH” (la sua).

And there you go, the last 15 Italian words from Master your Memory using the SEM3 technique. If I can, I will write another 15 words and images tomorrow.