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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Movie Review : You Again.

Hi there, this is Cuchee the Couch Potato and I’m a guest blogger for Fragments. I’m back today with an extra article on….a movie review.

Yesterday I watched the movie “You Again”. Actually I think the movie has a good plot but it could have ended in a better way. In a nutshell, this story is about a nerd who suffered badly in high school because a bully who is very pretty and influential got her friends to make this nerd’s life miserable throughout her high school years. Years later, the nerd is a successful executive in a PR firm and she is flying home to attend her brother’s wedding. To her utmost horror, his bride turns out to be …yes, you’ve guessed it, the school bully! You can imagine what will come next as she schemes to break her brother and the bride up. (Does this remind you a little of Julia Roberts in “My best friend’s wedding”?) After she succeeds in breaking them up, she realizes that the bully is no longer the bad person she was so they make up and she helps her brother reconcile with the ex-bully. The story was going so well up to that point until we got to the tree house scene. While the happy couple is up in the tree house kissing and making up, the tree house collapses and they both end up in hospital with broken bones. So the wedding takes place at the hospital with all the patients as guests. You’ll get to see people in casts and clutches dancing in the background as they party. It was funny but the ending just didn’t have that good feeling, know what I mean? My best friend’s wedding ended with a lingering feeling, it was a different note.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to watching “The Deathly Hallows Part 1” (what a pity they are splitting the last story into 2 parts!) and “Narnia” which will be coming soon in 1-2 months time. Look out for my review in the near future. Till then, this is Cuchee signing off.