Sharing With Love

Friday, January 21, 2011

Angels And Demons Part 8

And now back to my reading on Angels And Demons .

Last night, I believe that I have finally come to the climax of the story. When both Robert and Vittoria got to the third church, the killer is waiting for them and they are all put in a difficult situation. (Yeah, this always happens in every story). In any good story, the writer will take away all the hopes of the protagonists and leave them in a vulnerable state. The leader of the Swiss Guard will be found dead on the floor which means they have no more backup. Then the killer takes Vittoria hostage. Yikes. Then Robert finds the third Cardinal facing death. He wants to help the cardinal but the killer appears and Robert has to hide and try to save himself first. Goodness what a whole lot of bad luck for them but without this bad luck, the story wouldn’t go well right? Back to the story, the poor cardinal dies and Robert is stuck in a pile of rubble. And the killer takes Vittoria away to the 4th Church where he will proceed to kill the last cardinal and harm Vittoria. Oh I forgot to mention that the third Cardinal was branded with the element Fire and they are now left with the last element Water. Robert is now on his own. He has to be careful not to make any calls through the walkie talkie because there are insiders who are working for the illuminati. I stopped at the part where Robert steals a car to race to the fourth church to save Vittoria and the last cardinal. All that took about 10 chapters of the book. I can’t wait to continue reading tonight.