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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Angels And Demons Part 10

And now back to my reading on Angels And Demons .

I was feeling tired last night but nevertheless, I spent one and half hours reading the next few chapters of the book. I thought I would be able to finish the book by last night but I was wrong. The story kept going and going. Robert made it back to the Vatican to interrupt a confrontation between the director of CERN and the Camerlengo. The whole thing didn’t look right. I know the writer has something else in store for his readers at this point in the story but he was smart enough to delay it in order to keep the story going. Then the camerlengo went into some bizarre behavior as a team of people followed him a few feet underground and then up into the air on a helicopter. It was all so bizarre and poor Robert followed the camerlengo all the way thinking he was going to dispose the antimatter in a barren place. He was wrong. The whole thing suddenly seemed like a suicide mission but I know that the main character will not die in the story. In the Lost symbol, we were also made to believe that Robert had died too. I stopped at the part when Robert did the unthinkable by jumping out of a helicopter without any parachute. Yep. I’ll only find out tonight how Robert will survive the fall back to earth. Will I finally get to the end of the book or will there be another twist bringing the story to another turn? To be continued in my next review.