Sharing With Love

Monday, January 10, 2011


Angels And Demons is the second Dan Brown book that I’m now reading. So far I’ve only read 9 chapters last night. The opening chapters seemed very similar to the lost symbol. David Langdon is once again rudely awaken in the wee hours of the morning by a caller who needs him to decipher a symbol for him. This time instead of a hand, we have a body of a physicist who has a symbol carved on the front of his body while is head is twisted the wrong way to the back. It is pretty gross. David is flown to CERN, a research facility located in Geneva, Switzerland from American in just one hour. It took 9 chapters for him to leave his home, fly in the superfast jet and get to the research facility. We’re about to view the body in the next chapter (I think…or will the writer still keep the suspense going?) but I was too tired to read further. The usual suspense element is there (boy, he’s good at that). Dan Brown is keeping me guessing and guessing. I will continue reading tonight again.