Sharing With Love

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Think You Are Too Old to Do Yoga, You Are Too Old Not to Do Yoga!

By Barbara S Gibson

Aging is not a process of decline, our beliefs about aging are beginning to change and it has been proven that remaining active throughout life prevents loss of muscle and improves the health of our bones. The accepted view of aging has been one of fragility, stiffening and loss of balance - a closing down. The body is designed to contract, tighten, draw in and without proper exercise/movement we lose height, strength and flexibility. The result of this is that our natural range of movements become limited and more difficult to do so our daily activities become less. We are then in a downward spiral to ill health and inactivity.

Yoga asanas/exercises reverse the aging process by moving each joint in the body through a full range of motion - stretching, strengthening and balancing each part. This is the opposite to most weight bearing exercises where the muscles are contracted, this leads to a tightened musculoskeletal system which adds to the stiffness and tension that can settle in the body as we age.

Yoga is not a religion but a non-sectarian method for promoting a healthy and harmonious lifestyle. Any person of any faith can practice yoga and find his or her religion enhanced as a result. Yoga and its sister science Ayurveda offer a uniquely holistic approach to health, it is one of the oldest, most complete system for self-health care - you can do it yourself, for yourself. It is an active approach to your health upkeep rather than passive. It is a very rewarding way to keeping healthy and fit.

Yoga asanas/exercises are restorative in nature and help to recharge and revitalise the body's energy improving strength and flexibility within the body. This helps you cope with stress and can also help to prevent illness, disease and degeneration. It is also fun to be able to find a new freedom within your movements that you may not have experienced since childhood.

As I grow older I am finding it both liberating and exciting to feel more freedom of movement, and a greater strength, balance and openness within my body than when I was younger. As a yoga teacher I find it a continual joy to see my students - all ages - improving their posture and balance, and also enjoying their new found strength and flexibility. It all is needed to cope with aging in today's world or to cope fullstop!

Barbara Gibson, Contemporary Yoga and Pilates Teacher


Barbara teaches classes in Belfast, Holywood, Newtownards, Kircubbin. All ages welcome. To make enquiries please telephone 028 91826553