Sharing With Love

Friday, September 03, 2010

Yoga & Pilates : The first entry...

My health problems have made me decide to look at yoga and Pilates in a different light. Although I’ve been taking Pilates classes once a week, I had never been practicing on my own regularly within the week until recently.

For the past few years, I've been having the indigestion problems for certain periods of time. After taking some medication, it would then get cured but a few months later the problem will resume. I was allergic to some of the GP's medication so I tried some TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). TCM works but the time taken to get cured is very slow. However my indigestion problem still resumed a few months later again. This cycle continued for the past three years.

Recently I was referred to a gastroenterologist by the GP. He sent me through a series of tests because he said that my symptoms were ‘very unusual’. He took some blood tests, did a barium test and even an ECG. All my test results came back normal. He said my stomach appeared normal and he could not pin point what was wrong with me at all. I was glad that my stomach was ‘normal’ but I was frustrated because I really wanted to get rid of the problem and even a specialist doctor can’t even help me.

I was going through some yoga and Pilates websites and I read that these exercises not only have external benefits like toning and strengthening the muscles. They also helped our internal organs and can help with problems like digestion, lungs, heart, memory, concentration... The benefits were said to be enormous and the results could only be seen in the long term. However, I’m a little skeptical and the only way to find out if Yoga and Pilates do help is to try it regularly. So that is what this journal is all about. I’m going to blog my progress as I go along and see if the indigestion ever comes back.