Sharing With Love

Friday, September 03, 2010

Knitting : Projects in progress

Currently, I have two projects that are in progress. For my home project, I'm now working on a fingerless mitten. Please congratulate me on figuring out how to knit in a round using a set of double pointed needles. :-) My stitches are a little bit loose between the needles in the first few rounds but I just carried on because I wanted to see the results fast. Anyway, since I'm practicing on cheap wool, it's okay to make mistakes now. When I get on to the better quality wool, I want the results to be perfect.
My Fingerless Mittens in Progress
My other project that is now in progress is my 'office project'. Yes, I do have a set of knitting needles to keep me occupied during the lunch hour when my lunch mates are not around or out shopping. However, progress on that project can be slow because I don't knit every lunch hour. (I do go out to shop between lunch too :-))

I'm currently working on a tissue cover. I invented that project by using an empty tissue wrapper as a guide. What I'm now doing is I"m  knitting a rectangular piece of fabric. When it's done, I'll sew up the ends so that I can insert a packet of tissue in between. This would prevent the wrapper from tearing and scattering tissue in my bag. :-)
My Tissue Cover In Progress. The empty wrapper in the right is my guide and the paper behind tracks how many rows I've done. Yeah...I need one of those.
I will probably post the completed project online when it's done. Till my next knitting blog...