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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

The Watchmen Comic Book Movie Review

If you have been living in a cave or haven't visited the cinema in the last year or so let me introduce you to the Watchmen. The Watchmen is set in an alternative America where costumed superheroes roam freely among us, however this all changes when the government cracks down on the superheroes, who are then looked upon as vigilantes.

After one of the Watchmen known as the comedian is killed the Watchmen reunite to ultimately prevent their own destruction and possibly a nuclear holocaust, however as the plot thickens so does the mystery and betrayal surrounding the Watchmen.

The Watchmen has been called an unfilmable comic book movie adaptation, so Zack Snyder had is work cut out from the very start. Snyder who created the equally as stunning '300' movie doesn't disappoint either. Just like the 300 the Watchmen is visually stunning and the visual effects are equally as impressive. From the get go this movie feels like what I call an event movie, a movie that should only be watched in the cinema because of its epic proportions from visual effects to the impressive musical score. The Watchmen don't fail in any of the above categories through out the whole film.

The cast of the Watchmen are all equally as strong as the next; it seams Snyder as gone for acting talent in this movie rather that just casting Hollywood stars that you may think you would see in a blockbuster movie such as the Watchmen. All the cast do a good job to convince you that what you are seeing on screen is believable and there's no where throughout the movie that had me thinking come on this is to unrealistic even for a comic book movie, and I think that's saying a lot when there is a giant blue man through out the entire piece.

If you're not a fan of comic book movies then that no big deal as the action and particularly the fight scenes in this movie are very impressive indeed and feels like you could be watching the latest installment of a James bond movie, from the hand to hand combat to the destructible sets there's something here for every action fan to keep them happy through the film.

Having said all the above positive points I have to move onto the negative, this movie is around 3 hours long, this in its self isn't a bad thing as if kept interesting like lets say The Dark Knight then there's no problem, however I do feel like some of the scenes in the movie felt like they were there to fill some gaps, like night owl trying and having sex with silver specter twice, however that's only a little problem.

Another gripe I have with this movie is that we have Dr. Manhattan a blue god like person who can pretty much do anything including changing the tone of his skin within a couple of seconds but he must choose to constantly walk around butt naked showing his penis to everyone, this isn't really a problem but it does feel weird that this godlike person can transport himself to mars, crush tanks, change skin color, change into suits within seconds but he can't seam to put a pair of pants on.

People who aren't familiar with the source material may also find the narrative structure confusing, but I'm sure any able minded person will be able to figure out what's going on in this movie, so it should not subtract from the Watchmen experience.

So the question is who watches the Watchmen? I believe you should. I award the Watchmen movie 3/5 stars.

Thanks for reading.

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