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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Phenomenal Success of the Twilight Saga Books

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer is all the rage among pre-teens and adults alike. The four books, in chronological order are: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. With the release of the second movie in the saga, New Moon, the hype is once again refreshed. New Moon was a box office smash hit, which even exceeded the first Twilight movie at the box office. While Twilight fans wait not so patiently for Eclipse to be released, there are lots of books related to the Twilight Saga to read.

Twilight books are flying from shelves of bookstores all across the world. Of course, all the books in the series enjoy a renewed burst of sales with each release of a new book or movie. The Twilight books are centered around three main characters, Bella, Edward and Jacob. All three characters and actors are not only very talented, but very attractive; gathering a huge fan base from teenage girls and women. There is great debate amongst fans of the Twilight books as to who is better - 'Team Edward' or 'Team Jacob'.

Bella is a young high school girl who, after moving in with her father, finds herself mysteriously drawn to another student, Edward. She soon discovers that he is part of a vampire family who only drinks the blood of animals instead of humans. They of course fall in love and the rest of the series is centered around their fight to keep their love alive amongst werewolves and evil vampires.

Will their love survive the trials they must endure because of their unnatural situation? Will Bella choose Jacob, her werewolf friend, or will Edward be victorious in winning back Bella's love? Will Bella herself choose to become a vampire so she can be with Edward forever? For answers to those questions and many more, make sure you pick up the Twilight series for yourself.

In New Moon, the character of Jacob becomes more prominent as he seeks Bella's affection. A love triangle soon forms between Jacob, Edward and Bella. This truly is not your normal vampire story - certainly not a pure horror vampire story. It has such a unique, romantic twist to it; you really need to read the books or watch the movies for yourself to see why they are just so popular. Do make sure you read or watch Twilight first though, as New Moon flows on from that beautifully.

The Twilight series star three very talked about young actors, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson (who also played in the famous Harry Potter movies) and Taylor Lautner. They play the parts of the three main characters in the book, respectively, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. In fact, if reading is your thing, you should pick up the Robert Pattinson biography "Robert Pattinson: Eternally Yours" by Isabelle Adams.

There are also many other Twilight books centered around Robert Pattinson, such as "The Robert Pattinson Album" and "Robert Pattinson Annual 2010: Beyond Twilight". There are also newly released books on Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and various other books such as the New Moon movie companion and others all about Twilight. The most recent addition to the Twilight books is a novella by Stephenie Meyer called 'The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner', based on a minor character in Eclipse. This is quite exciting for the fans of the Twilight Saga, as it leads them to hope that the Twilight Saga will indeed continue on for some time.

To receive the latest information about the Twilight Saga series, movies, merchandise and the Eclipse DVD release date, check out Eclipse DVD release.