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Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Foundation of the Demonic World (Book Three)

((Where Deception Ferments) (The seeds of Cain))

Part One

The Seeds of Cain

We seen in book one "The Books behind Methuselah," an assortment of what reason is all about. And in book two, "The Origins of Reason," we see were reason has come from. And now in book three, "The Fondation of the Demonic World," we may find out where deception ferments, and the race that is in charge of it, and influence it on planet earth. All three books perhaps have one overall theme: the origin of existence of beings with reasoning that have lived and do live on planet earth. And how one influenced the other, or still does.

So we see Adam was not the first man, rather the first Jew. This can be verified in the NT (New Testament), in Romans 5:13. So there must have been people before him, as brought out in both previous books to this excavation. This other so called race was called the gentiles, by the Jews.

After a great catastrophe of the earth, it would take-according to geologists, if not thousands of years to form new formations, change the construction, but perhaps millions. So between the pre-Adamic war, and the time of Adam, it perhaps took a million years to settle the sediments. That would surely go along with the logical explanation for the gap theory (Lucifer's rebellion that is).

And God seems to go along with a certain balance in nature, and creation: unless he gets disturbed.

We can surely see in fossils that primitive creation, especially in animals, perished abruptly, we heat our homes with the oil they provide, or drive our cars with it (or can, if we don't, we could) these are called: fossil fuels.

It should be clear by any serious reasoning person, that there was a pre-Adamic race, or so I feel.

At perhaps 9,600 BC, the population of the world was a little over five-million people, or under by a few. By 4000 BC, it was closer to 90-million. Adam perhaps at the dawn of the Neolithic Age, plus or minus a few thousand years; beyond Adam we see in definable increments, the development of a sophisticate age.

So we know someone's peeking through the window here. This may differentiate men of reason, into two new categories. Men inside God's plan, and those outside his plan: Meaning, not all beings were made for salvation (or with an Adamic soul), or bound for salvation. According to the apostle, Paul, it is no longer a genetic factor though. If it was at one time, in the New Testament, it is no longer. The old world may not have been planned that way.

Let's say-for the sake of argument-the old breed was replaced by the new breed (as like australopithecines was replaced by Homo habilis, and then Homo erectus and then modern Homo sapiens).

Let's go back to Cain; he has come out in books, one and book two, now for book three. Remember it was stated maybe he carried a bad seed in him? But who did Cain marry? We see this dull race of Homo habilis and so forth, deranged creatures -although his wife is nonessential, his offspring are not. Perhaps this other race of a million souls, the habilis race, or Neantherdal race, who may have been given a status of a people, more than they deserved, the residue of these people being the Neantherdal, became of a mixed blood; perhaps at the time of Cain, a part of this pre-Adamic race might still have existed (Gen. 5), and he got into a human relationship with a female of some similarities-evil breeds evil.

The Neanderthals were reasoning beings, wherever they came from-although I'd not quite place them as human. They were good hunters, and practiced religious rituals, so they were a people. Exactly who they belonged to is a mystery: themselves unconscious to where they came from. And when Cain was cast out into the world, he was marked, and he feared for his life; perhaps panic-stricken, guilty as charged. I imagined he could have ended up in the arms of one of those creatures.

Part Two

The Road Less Taken

We claim Adam and Eve, but why? Because they are the road to Redemption, regretfully, the road less taken; and the road, the other road, is the story of human alienation from God. Which road is most important? That is the road you most likely will travel, or try to: or block both roads out, but if you do that, you still end up traveling on one and it isn't the one of redemption.

Cain was indeed active; he built the first so called city. Never before done, so if you live in a city, you live in a creation of Cain's. And this is where we see of course inherently evil and sinfulness.

Part Three


A demon is considered a spiritual entity that can be conjured (summoned) and controlled. A spirit with divine power, the study of demons, is called demonology. I do not want to get too far into this demonic stuff, but we must take a look at this race. Azazel, Lilith ((also we have goat like demons), and faun like spirits, Agaliarept (the Henchman of Hell) (1 Samuel 16, we see such spirits bothering Saul, OT)).The king of demons being Asmodeus, as known in the Book of Tobit (king of the nine Hells). It has been written; Lilith married Asmodeus, now Queen of Hell. He is considered the off-spring of Adam and the angelic whore of heaven, Naamah, conceived while Adam was married to Lilith.

Solomon had control, power over many demonic beings and they helped construct his Temple, and gave him warning that someday his kingdom would divide. (Review the Jewish, Talmud).

So if we believe in God, and Jesus, and the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, we must come to the conclusion, there were demonic beings. They are written into our human origins, history, as part of our existence. They have been with us from the beginning. Christianity has them, Judaism, Islam, and just about all the earthly religions I can think of.

In the Book of Revelation, we get a picture of some, in Chapter 12. Who are these demons?

It has been stated they are the offspring between angelic beings and humans-hybrids, like Saint Christopher, or Gilgamesh (both giants of their day). This is repeated in the Koran. Sons of Seth (see Genesis 6). In 1 Kings 22, God is speaking to two sets of individuals, one angelic, and the other of a once similar order, and in Acts 23. And we see in Jude 6, and Deut 32, these angelic beings-some of them, themselves were cast down to be, or remain in a demonic form. So I sense we have a mixture of relatives here.

Demons are the ambassadors, messengers of Lucifer, his leg men-or worker ants or privates in the Army. From the New Testament in such books as: Matt. 9: Mark 3; Luke 11; Eph: 6., we see the demonic forces: this is an organization we are talking about, but with a genius angelic being leading it. I don't want to give him too much credit, but we need to put the facts, or the pieces of the puzzle of the races into proper perspective. Those who are really Christian cannot be possessed by these spirits, because they are already possessed by the Holy Spirit, in that a Christian's body is a temple. But for those who are not, it is to the contrary.

The demon influences a man's soul. I could name the seven deadly sins, but let's simple say they work on man's weakness, like boredom, or self-pity, revenge, popular emotions such as these, and because they are fallen angels, or kin to them, they have certain capabilities man doesn't have. I have seen into their world, at one time pert near as easy as they've seen in to ours. They work on people to backslide. If you're a good Christian, the best they can do with you is having you relapse, this brings the soul into revolting.

Demons; and Emotions

What does the Demon really want-I mean, some play games, others create nightmares, but they work like ants, intensifying until they influence: they work on your standards, lowering your production of divine good. If they can keep you from acquiring doctrinal storage room on them, God, Lucifer, you remain vulnerable to them. If that don't make sense-you see, emotions are neither right or wrong, they just are but too often we react to them, and emotions, or feelings have no real character, demons know this, no spiritual content either, they just are, emotions do not think or rationalize, they just are, emotions were created to respond, not to think, often they produce falsehoods, so what does this all add up to? Demons work on emotions. You need to react to thinking not your emotions. The brain does the thinking; this is the water hole the demon does not want you to drink at.

How does the demon get through the door? If he does, it is because you have opened it for him, in most cases. Let me explain this. Movie stars and all these other jokers will say: their movies do not affect you, or infect you, that a movie is just a movie. If they based that on profits, they'd be broke, they know, if they can influence you, get you to react to the emotional parts in the movie, they'll sell more tickets, so movies do influence. Of course they can't tell you this they'd be out of business. So we open doors by bad language books, movies, newspapers. If they can get you to study false teachings, all the better: that's their job. If they can get you to get mad at your clergy, or even cuss God for doing evil things, they got you. They look for violations towards God, to work their magic. They like soldiers work on the promotion theory, they want to be promoted, and who wants to stay a private for a century or two.

Make the Christian inactive, or make the Godly person inactive, or crush his soul, or have him produce some passive submission to demons: idolatry, drugs, alcoholism, it all deactivates the person.

Demonism: as they have in Haiti and in Java and other countries around the world, idolatry in essence, this is prohibited (we see this outlawed in the OT Ps. 136); sacrificing to demons has been documented in many of the Old Testament books. The Judgment against Egypt was also a judgment against the demons of that time (Ex. 12).

Now I don't wish to give the impression the Demon has all power, actually, they are powerless to change the course of history. But Satan does have power of death, in certain situations. We see that he killed Job's children (1 John 3), and he motivated Cain to murder (John 8). Satan is a course of disease. When I was ill in the hospital, I saw for three days-after I had an operation, and a stroke, an angel at the end of my bed, he was guarding me (perhaps the rank of a Power, or guardian Angel). Why? Satan uses demons to produce disease, illnesses (Job 2), and certain mental diseases, related to abnormal behavior (review the books of: Mark, Matthew, and Luke): public nakedness, violence, self-mutilation, convulsions, raving, and others, are from demonic influence.

Believe it or not, Satan heals. How does he do this? He has demons withdrawn from folks, so this establishes his own clergy (Acts 19). But he cannot overrule the Most High, and that's the safety pin.

So you see it is important to know this certain race, with its influence in this world. Demons are the souls of some men of the Golden Age; ghosts of the wicked dead. They are the angels of the fallen forth world (The Kabbalah).

Some came from Adam; after his expulsion from the Garden, he was separated from Eve for 130-years, and begat spirits, demons, and night-devils, and a son in his own likeness, after his image' (Eng. v. 3; Erub. 18b)

Demons are also the disembodied spirits of the old giants, and fallen angels (the Nephilim/Gibborim).

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