Sharing With Love

Saturday, July 03, 2010

FOTTP Episode 6 – A Serial Fiction

“Run Peeps! Run!” Juliana yelled at the top of her lungs to her friend. Panting, they both ran in opposite directions and headed deep into the dense forest. Penelope thought hard and decided that she should try to hide. She had never tried climbing up a tree before but at that moment, her fear gave her strength. She shined up the trunk of the tree and reached for the nearest branch for support. She hugged the trunk and rested on a branch and tried to keep quiet. Juliana was nowhere to be seen. She hoped that her friend had found a hiding place too.

Two bigwigs appeared below her tree. They looked around puzzled but determined to find the intruders. Another five bigwigs were standing within a radius of a few feet away.


Oops! The branch on which Penelope was sitting on was slowly bending under her weight. She hugged the trunk tighter and tried to reach for the next branch but that branch was too high. Penelope held her breath and prayed hard. What will happen if she was caught by a bigwig? As her branch sank lower, the ends of the branch lifted off the wig from the creature. The creature winced and shrank to a tiny size. It squirmed and dashed for cover in some bushes. Great! So the creatures will lose their power when their wigs come off. The other bigwigs started approaching her tree. With shaky hands, she fished into her bag and pulled out her catapult and aimed.

“Whack!” another wig came off. She aimed again and prepared to shoot at more wigs. She’ll have to hit as many as she can.

“Cha-a-a-rge!” Juliana came dashing out of the bushes and grabbed as many wigs as she could. The rest of the bigwigs started retreating quickly.

“Peeps! We need to stop them! They’re informants! Don’t let them get away!”

Penelope quickly jumped off her tree and grabbed a stick. They managed to put down almost all the bigwigs except for one. It vanished into the forest as quickly as it had appeared.

“Oh no,” Juliana wiped sweat off her forehead. “It’ll be a matter of time before the demons discover our presence here.”

“Yes,” said Penelope.”The survival guide stated that bigwigs usually restore their strength in an hour when their wigs grow back. We better look for Repissog fast. ”

“Plus,” added Juliana “we’ve already wasted a day searching for Repissog…”

“Hey look over there!” Penelope pointed to a cave behind a tree. A mailbox outside the cave read “Repissog”. They approached the cave with caution but the cave’s entrance was covered with big rocks. Oh no, how were they going to get in? Was Repissog in the cave?