Sharing With Love

Saturday, July 10, 2010

FOTTP Episode 7 – A Serial Fiction

The cave’s entrance was partially covered with big rocks. Fear griped them as Penelope and Juliana approach the entrance with caution. Then without warning, the ground started to shake. The rocks before them started shifting and soon there was a path leading to the interior of the cave.

Penelope took a few steps forward and hesitated, “Do you think it’s safe to go in?”

Juliana however, was already walking ahead of her. “I don’t know but let’s find out.”

The interior of the cave was spacious. The air felt very cool in there. Small flames danced eerily along the cave walls, partially illuminating the whole area.

“I’ve been expecting you,” said an elderly voice behind them. They both wheeled around in fright. The voice belonged to a female figure draped in a black cloak.

“Are you Repissog?” asked Penelope bravely.

“Yes. I have the answers that you are seeking but you must first hand me some payment and answer three questions.”

Penelope dug into her bag and produced a gold coin. “Will this do?”

“Good. And now for the three questions.”

“Hold on!” Interrupted Juliana. “What if we get the answers to the questions wrong?”

“Then I cannot give you the answers you seek. You will have to try.”

Their hearts pounded as they waited for the first question.

“In which year did Michael Jackson pass away?”

Raising her eyebrows with a laugh, Juliana answered “2009!” Thunder boomed in the background and Repissog nodded. She heaved a sigh of relieve and waiting for the next question. “Is Lady Gaga blonde?”

Juliana looked bewildered and glanced at Penelope for help.

“Yes she is!” interjected Penelope. She had seen some of Lady Gaga’s MTV videos and she was certain about it. Thunder boomed in the background again and Repissog nodded again. The two girls jumped up in glee. That’s two out of three questions right. They held hands and waited for the final question.

“Name me the lead star of Twilight.” The sound of a ticking clock echoed in the background.

“Err…,” Juliana paused and nodded at Penelope.

“Robert Patterson!” They both sang in unison. Thunder boomed again and Repissog got up.

“Good.” Repissog seemed pleased. “I will now give you the answers to what you seek. The Lust Demon’s pants have been stolen by another demon. His name is Sloth. He has been using it for his benefit so that his relatives in your dimension will not be required to do any hard work. One of his relatives even works with you and she just got promoted for sleeping during office hours.”

“Miss Flip Flop!” Penelope said almost suddenly.

“Yes. That explains all the strange things happening around you,” continued Repissog. The Sloth demon is not aware of the problem he has created and he will not even care when he finds out.”

“Oh no,” cried Juliana. “Is there any way to stop him?”

“Yes, the stench from the Greed Demon’s pigtails can give him Amnesia. You must cut off some hair from Green and put this under his nose to make him loose his memory. Your survival guide will take you to his lair. You must go now.”

They glanced at their watches. It has almost been an hour since they conquered the Bigwigs. They need hurry before the Bigwigs get strong again.

“Thanks Repissog!” Juliana waved at the gypsy lady and motioned her friend out of the cave. “We need to run, Penelope. The bigwigs could be around here soon.”

A dark shadow loomed above them and something swooped low over their heads. They ducked.

“Goodness!” exclaimed Penelope. “Look up there! There are giant flying skunks in the sky! Run!” But there wasn’t any time to run. Before they knew it, the two giant flying skunks grabbed them each and lifted them in the air.

“Arrrrggghhh!” Their terrified screams echoed in the night.

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 8