Sharing With Love

Saturday, June 26, 2010

FOTTP Episode 5 – A Serial Fiction

Penelope and Juliana reluctantly went on their mission to find a pair of missing tight flashy pants for a lusty demon. The universe actually works in strange ways. Angels and demons do exist. And so do other strange out of the world creatures that Chastity Jane told them about.

They took the train to City Hall MRT station and purposefully made their way toward the Padang. The field was unusually empty that very day. It was usually used by football clubs for practice sessions.

“I hope we know what we’re doing, Jubes.”

“Don’t worry Peeps, everything will be fine. According to Jane, Repissog the gypsy lady lives in the eastern part of the spiritual realm,” said Juliana with a hint of enthusiasm. “To get there, we have to find a spiritual door at grid 31 of the Padang field.”

“And how do you suppose we locate this grid 31?”

Juliana Jubes whipped out her iPad and tapped the GPS icon. The screen read, “Welcome to the spiritual realm. Please key in the destination that you would like to visit below”

Jubes promptly typed “Repissog’s Lair”. A tiny hour glass appeared on the screen. A map of the Padang Field slowly materialized on the screen with a compass. “Follow the direction to grid 31,” it read. A red arrow was blinking at the top of the screen. Skeptically, they followed the screen on the iPad. The two girls felt strange walking around the empty field but they did as they were instructed. As they approached grid 31 on the field, new instructions appeared on the screen.”Say the following phrase while jumping up and down: Hocus Pocus Nocus Pong; Leng Long Pow, Wham Bam Bong.”

Both Penelope and Juliana rolled their eyes up and reluctantly jumped up and down while reciting the words. They waited. Nothing happened. “Jubes, I feel like a fool.”

They both looked around. Leaves rustled as a light breeze blew. Then a blinding bright light appeared and surrounded them. Instinctively they shielded their eyes. When the light was gone, they dropped their hands and looked around amazed. They were now standing in a forested area that felt really creepy.

“This must be the place,” Juliana stated. “The light somehow transported us here. Chastity Jane warned us something about Bigwig creatures around this area.”

“Does the survival guide have any information on what are those?” asked Penelope.

Juliana did a search on the iPad. The device beeped and read, ”Bigwigs are creatures with big blue wigs on their heads. They like sucking up to the demons and they often act as informants of the demons. Bigwigs and demons have been friends for many centuries. They cannot be trusted. You should try not to get spotted by any Bigwigs as best as you can. This is to avoid getting into trouble. Scroll down for a full picture of how Bigwigs look like.”

She scrolled down and recoiled at the photo. It was a creature with green skin and big blue hair. Penelope tapped her shoulder and motioned her to look up. “Errr…I think that there is a Bigwig looking at us right now.”

Juliana looked up. The creature stood starring at them at it stepped out from behind a tree. Many more appeared. Penelope and Juliana took a step back in fear. Oh no! Is this then end?

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 6