Sharing With Love

Saturday, July 17, 2010

FOTTP Episode 8 – A Serial Fiction

Penelope and Juliana struggled and screamed as they were lifted high into the air. The giant flying skunks held on to them tightly as they were joined by more giant flying skunks who flew beside them.

“Let us go!” screamed Penelope.

“Stop struggling. We don’t wish to drop you 100 feet below and squash you to a pulp,” the skunk gripping Penelope spoke in perfect English.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“My name is Kirk. We’re the Skunk People and we’ve been sent by the angels to help you escape from the Big Wigs. What did Repissog tell you?”

“The pants were stolen by Sloth and the only way to get it back it is to give him amnesia. We have to collect pigtails from the greed demon. The stench of the pigtails will knock the Sloth demon out and cause him to have amnesia.”

“You’ll have to be very careful not to be seen by the greed demon or she will eat you. “

As they neared another cave, the flying skunks landed one by one and released them. “Our journey ends here and this is as far as we’re able to help,” said the flying skunk. “We wish you luck in recovering those pants.”

“Thank you.” Penelope and Juliana said earnestly as they watch them flew off.

Taking out their iPads, they googled on the “Greed demon”.

“It says here that we have to cross the river of stench to get down a valley where the Green Demon lives,” said Juliana. “She has many pigtails growing on her head and she sheds them whenever she burps.”

“Ewww!” Penelope winced.

“And we need to collect 500 grams of Pigtails in order to give the Sloth Demon Amnesia. When this is done, we’ll be able to steal the pair of pants back from him.”

“So how do we get to the Greed demon’s cave and get those pigtails? We now have an estimate of 12 hours left.” asked Penelope. “We have to think of something fast.”

Just then, there was a blinding flash of light. What is it now? Should they run?

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 9