Sharing With Love

Saturday, July 31, 2010

FOTTP Episode 10 – A Serial Fiction

They waited in anticipation suspiciously. A silhouette appeared in the mist. It approached them slowly. Should they be afraid? As it loomed nearer, they took a step back in fear. As it got a little closer, they notice a skeleton in a hood on a boat. It was the most hideous thing they had ever seen. Its jaws opened as it stretched out its hand. There was a long pause as Penelope and Juliana were unsure of what to do. Then the skeleton finally spoke, “Welcome to the river of stench. It will be 5 gold coins for the ride please.”

Juliana fished into her bag and promptly paid the skeleton. They hesitated for a while and then got into the boat. There was a long moment of uncomfortable silence. They watched their boat move further and further away from the shore and eyed the skeleton suspiciously. Finally the skeleton broke the silence. “You guys are from out of town?”

“Er…yeah,” answered Penelope. It was a weird conversation but they tried their best to act as if riding on a boat with a skeleton was something they did every day. As the boat travelled down the river, they noticed plastic containers shaped like huge golf clubs on one side of the river. In each container were what looked like sand glowing in red light in them. Some of the golf clubs were partially filled and some were almost near its brim. There were names and date labels on them. On the other side of the river, were plastic bottles with blue sand glowing in them. Like the golf clubs on the opposite side of the river, some were partially filled, some were empty and some were almost full.

“So..,” Juliana decided to make some conversation with the skeleton. “What are those?” she asked pointing to the golf clubs and bottles on both sides of the river.

“They represent the good and bad deeds of the human race. The gigantic golf clubs represent the VIPs, management and people of high statue. The bottles represent the non management staff. The red glows show the bad deeds and the blue glows represent the good deeds. Look at that one,” it pointed. The golf club had their CEO’s name on it. Another club had their boss’s name on it.

“Most of them will burn in hell in time to come. The ones in blue will go to purgatory. God and Satan have been busy collecting data. It’s pretty accurate and it’s much more accurate than your computer. There are no computer viruses here so you can’t mess with them. Whoever comes close to them will be vaporized into thin air.”

They were intrigued and wanted to know more. However before they could ask more questions, the boat pulled up towards a pier. “My services are done,” it said. They hopped out of the boat and looked around them. Slob valley stood before them. This is where they would find the sloth demon and perhaps finish their mission.

“One last thing,” said the skeleton. “Beware of the Ssob creatures. They are evil.”

“We will thanks,” replied Penelope as the boat slowly pulled away. It was time to search their survival guides on their iPads.

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 11