Sharing With Love

Saturday, August 07, 2010

FOTTP Episode 11 – A Serial Fiction

“What are Ssob creatures? Have you found anything on the survival guide?” asked Juliana.

“Yeah, they’re slave drivers. Once they capture their victims, they will enslave their victims,” replied Penelope as they began their slow descend down the valley. They had been walking for ten minutes since the skeleton had dropped them off at the banks of the river of stench.

“It sounds a lot like our human bosses!” They both laughed heartily at the thought. Then just as they stopped laughing, a group of purplish creatures dropped from the trees above and landed right in front of them. “Do the Ssob creatures look anything like them?”

“Yes. Draw your sword Jubes! We need to fight them off. We can’t afford to be enslaved by them.”

One of the creatures jumped onto Penelope and she tried to wrestle it off with her might. She was determined to fight it off no matter what. Her thoughts returned to the list of gifts that the Chastity angel had given them. They had both drank the Orf potion earlier. They should have no problems gaining strength to fight off creatures like these. With one mighty heave, she managed to throw off the creature, She quickly got up to and raised her sword but the creature ran away from her. Not far off, Juliana was busy trying to fight off two Ssob creatures. Penelope ran over to help her but as she approached, the creatures quickly backed off and disappeared into the forest.

“That was close!” said Juliana as she got up to brush the dust off her.

“The orf portion worked! It gave us strength to fight off the creatures!”

“Can you imagine what would have happened if they took us as their prisoners?

“Yeah, we wouldn’t be able to finish our mission and the world will suffer because of us. How many hours are left to find those pants? And how far are we from the Greed Demon’s cave?”

Penelope looked grave and replied, “We’ve twelve hours to complete our mission. And luck’s on our side. The greed demon’s cave is right in front of us.”

Juliana turned around and saw the cave. “It’s time to put on our invisibility bracelets.”

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 12