Sharing With Love

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Swear words and their actions - How sillier can they get?

This is a decent blog about obscenities, profanities, vulgarities and whatever you call them. It was another weekend after church. I was walking down the street when I saw a group of Indian teenagers giggling while hurling vulgarities at each other. They were in their early teens for they looked really young and mischievous. The group appeared to be having a friendly but vulgar shouting matching.

One flashed the middle finger at the other while the other made a fist and slammed it against her other palm. Wrapped up in their own amusement, they squealed with laughter so loudly that they drew scornful stares from passersby. Then to my amazement, one of them stopped in her tracks, lifted one leg up and clapped her hands below that folded leg. It looked so funny as she was doing that action. Was that the latest hip hop dance move? Her friend guffawed and responded with the same hip hop dance move. And she almost toppled over after clapping her hands. Okay. I figured it was another sign for a swear word but it was the silliest one I've ever seen. A passerby gave them a good tsk-tsking. I later asked a friend what that action meant and she told me it has the same meaning as flashing the middle finger. Really. What a lot of trouble to go through just to use a swear word. When this generation takes over the workplace in the future, be prepared for some creative dance moves when they get stressed up. We'll be too old to hip hop and spin in the air by then.

I think swear words can be really silly sometimes. I mean people swear when they are angry and it usually happens at the spur of the moment. For some people, they simply use it as a form of punctuation to sound cool or silly. Whichever. Oh whatever.

When a guy says "F* you" to another, he's insulting the other guy's manhood. But suppose if the other guy is gay, he'll probably smile and say thank you. When a guy uses the "F" word on a woman, he's outraging her modesty. She'll probably respond by slapping him. But if a woman uses that word on a man or another woman, oh my....

So who invented the "F" word anyway and why? In our part of the world, the Hokkien community swears by scolding another person a genital organ. So how is a genital organ offensive to another? I have no idea either. They might as well yell "Gall bladder!", "Kidneys!" or "Liver!" to the other person.

Oh well. Swear words are meant to be silly I guess. Only the Gall blokes will know better.