Sharing With Love

Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Morning Jam Blues

It was another weekday morning. I was heading for work as usual. I stood on the platform wearily and waited for the train. There were already quite a few people standing at the Braddell underground platform - an indication that the train is either running a little late or a busload of people had just arrived from the bus stop above.

I watched the familiar light appear at the end of the tunnel. Oh great, the train is here! My fellow commuters started to edge a little closer to the platform gates. On your marks! Get set! The commuters on the platform B started to brace themselves. I always hate this part. As the train slided up the station, I studied the crowd as our carriage came into view. Argh! There was more standing room at the center of the car but everyone else was cluttering the doorway. Go! The train doors opened to reveal a mass of bodies. The people at the door simply refused to move in but nevertheless, the commuters from my side of the gate were just finding their way in. Like stubborn cattle, the doorway commuters were reluctantly herded further into the train. Baaaaa! Woof! Woof! Ok I was exaggerating about the animal sounds.

There was this particular woman who was standing right where the door opened. She just refused to barge and chose to stand in her favourite spot while the people from my side started flowing in. She simply gave a loud “Tsk!” and stared around at the people angrily. They were intruding her space so she made a face. Ah! Miss Tsk was one of those irritating and inconsiderate commuters who thinks that everyone else but herself is the problem. I could tell that Miss Tsk here was most likely going to get off at the City Hall Station.

You see, unlike other train stations, the train doors always open on the opposite side of the train only at Braddell and City Hall stations. I observe that most people who have plans to get off at City Hall just love to stand facing that side of the train. Now I could understand Miss Tsk’s anguish to “get ready” to get off the crowded train by standing near the doorway. However the problem is, City Hall Station is seven stops away and she was being just ridiculous to block the door of a crowded train. She was also the only weirdo facing her side of the door while everyone else was facing the other way. There were mornings that I had to encounter PSP freaks who kept their eyes glued to their PSPs while refusing to move to the center of the car but Miss Tsk here was just trying to close her eyes and go to sleep with all the bustling taking place around her. When Miss Tsk refused to move in, I was forced to stand right in front of her with no place else to squeeze in.

Oh well, I was so thankful that my journey to Novena Station was just a short one. Just 2 beautiful stops away. I counted the minutes to my stop and ignored Miss Tsk’s sullen face. When the train doors opened at the opposite side, I happily brushed past her and disregarded more of her Tsks on my way out. Sayonara Miss Tsk! Enjoy the rest of your crowded journey with the mass of bodies. And oh, do take care that your nose don't get caught between the doors. Ha ha! What a morning.