Sharing With Love

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My friend's secret to preventing oestroporosis

Today we had another fruitful pilates class complete with the jelly like feeling after the workout. I expect the muscles to be sore and arching by tomorrow...

In my class there is this lady who is proud to share that she is 63 years old and that she is now in her semi retirement years. To be honest, she doesn't look 63 at all and she sure looks very fit. One of my other pilates mate plucked up the courage to ask her what is her secret. She began by sharing that she has gone for a bone density test and that the doctor has declared that she has the bones of a 26 yer old even though she doesn't drink a lot of milk at all. In fact, she hardly drinks any milk. So what is her secret of looking fit and having the bone density of a 26 year old?

The secret she says is...she makes sure she gets at least 15 minutes of sunlight every day even if it means sticking just one arm out of the window. And she does a lot of weight bearing excercises too. The dumbells workout at the gym helps alot. Plus the simple workouts that we do at yoga and pilates like downward dog pose and the plank pose are also considered weight bearing exercises because you have to bear the weight of your whole body on your arms. So that counts.

She takes some calcuim pills but not too much and she says Omega 3 is very very important. She swears by it because it builds up her immune system and it gives her a nice skin complexion....another pilates mate who is around her age/generation also vouched for Omega 3. She also recommends the evening prim rose, that's a lot of pills don't you think? I never got to find out more because the instructor stepped in and the class began so there you go....her secret to staying young and fit at 63. BTW, she also shared that whatever you do, don't ever fall. Her mother is 94 and she told her mother that if she ever got admitted to a hosptial, that's the place to pick up diseases and have your immune system finally breakdown. So at 94, don't fall and keep away from the hospital if you can help it. Well, there's got to be some truth in that coz her mother's 94 and doing great!! And there you go, some wise words from a lady who has been around longer than muah. HOpe you enjoyed this post. Ta ta!