Sharing With Love

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Encounter with the Dumb Telemarketer

2 days ago I had a rather nasty shock when I was clearing the voice messages in my mobile phone. There was this dumb telemarketer who didn't seem to know that she was channeled to my voice mail and she started getting nasty because she thought I had picked up the phone and kept quiet at the end of the line. She had a local indian accent and I could hear lots of phones ringing in the background. The call was definitely from an office environment.

The dumb telemarketer started off by saying 'Hello?' a few times and then she got nasty saying, "Ai Hello! You pick up the phone and you don't know how to say hello ah!". (At this point, I really thought this woman must be really dumb and the joke's on her). And with that, she started getting verbally abusive and the eff words just kept coming. I was shocked. Is this telephone call recorded by her company? After hurling all that profanities, she finally hung up. To be honest I didn't feel so good after listening to that rude voice mail so I deleted it off immediately. I wasn't thinking at that time I guess and now I regret deleting that message because I would have liked to complain to her company for her rudeness. 

I tried calling that number back several times for the past 2 days but nobody answered the call. I wanted to put an end to this. I always get a lot of cold calls from credit card and insurance companies and because of that, I never answer my mobile whenever I see a number I don't recognize or if it's coming from a private line. I seriously wanted to give my feedback and give the company a good telling off. Just when I was going to give up and let her off the hook, an idea struck me. I traced the number to the name of the company. Then I googled about the company's background. Turns out that this company is not affliated with a bank or an insurance company as previously thought.

I found this link  and  and it seems like this company makes cold calls to sell holiday packages. I decided not to call the company at all but I still regret deleting that message off. I could have posted it online to share the hilarious but dumb voice message.  And just out of curiousity, I decided to call my own mobile to hear my own voice message because I was baffled as to how she could not have known she was talking to a voice mail. My voice message was the standard greeting given by the mobile service provider and it clearly stated to leave a message after the beep. How could she have missed that?  What a dumb ass!

Oh well, that's the story I wanted to share. And BTW, the number she called from is 65-68367532 and the line was traced to Global Trends Services at Penang Road. If you ever get a similar pyschotic encounter with that telemarketer, don't fret. The lady was probably having a bad day or she was just a pyscho.