Sharing With Love

Saturday, August 28, 2010

FOTTP Epilogue – Back in the normal world.

“Hey Penelope, what’s up?” asked Juliana on the other end of the line.

“Nothing much. Miss Flip Flop is dozing off as usual and Big Wig is sucking up to the boss. Nothing’s new here but I don’t care anymore.”

“I pity her,” Juliana said reminding her for the bad deeds accumulated at the river of stench. “Big Wig’s going to get a first class ticket to hell for sure.”

“Yeah I know,” replied Penelope.”And guess what.”

“HR apologized for the embarrassment they caused you.”

“How did you guess? I’ve also received a letter from a headhunter offering me a job.”

“So are you going to accept it?”

“Let’s see…” Penelope rubbed her hands together. It felt good to be on top of the world and she savored that moment.

FOTTP Episode 14 – A Serial Fiction

“You have done well,” said Chastity Jane.

“And I’m pleased with getting my flashy tight pants back,” added the Lust Demon. “You can now go back to your normal world. You have saved the human race from facing its end.”

“We couldn’t have done it without the help of the angels, “chirped Juliana.

“Yeah, the Orf Portion really worked!” Penelope said with a smile.

“There is something you must know, ladies.” A serious look crossed over Chastity’s face as she held up a bottle of Orf portion. “The Orf portion doesn’t really give you self confidence. It is only strawberry milkshake.”

“What!” Both Juliana and Penelope reeled in surprise.”Does that mean…”

“Yes, it made you believe you had the power to fight over the bad guys with its help but it was actually your own efforts that helped you through with it. When you get back to your own world, you must remember that if you put your mind on any of yours goals, you can definitely achieve it.”

“We will, Chastity.”

Saturday, August 21, 2010

FOTTP Episode 13 – A Serial Fiction

“Thanks Peeps!’ said a grateful Juliana. Her friend had just saved her from the ugly greed demon. She wouldn’t have made it out of there if Penelope hadn’t tickled the demon. What a smart idea that was.

“Three hours have passed, the clock is ticking. Where do you suppose we could find the Sloth demon?” Penelope asked.

“Luck is on our side,” pointed Juliana. “Look over there!”

There was a path before them and it had signboards pointing to the caves of other demons. They noticed the Anger Demon’s cave. Juliana checked her survival map. “We should see the Envy Demon’s cave about thirty minutes from here. The Sloth Demon’s cave would be about two hours from Envy’s Lair.”

”I’m so tired from the walking already.” They kept going until they finally found the Sloth Demon’s cave.

“This is it,” declared Penelope. “We’ve one hour to get those pants back. We’ll need to lie quietly to wait for the Sloth Demon to fall asleep because we can act.”

“Great, we can finally rest our legs!” Juliana sat down beside Penelope but they soon dozed off because they were so tired.

Fifteen minutes later, the vibration of their iPhone jolted them awake. It was an sms from Chastity Jane. It read, “Get to work, you don’t have enough time!”

“She’s right,” said Juliana yawning. “We only have about forty five minutes to go before the brains of our bosses blow up. The Sloth demon is asleep. We’ve got to do something now.”

“Ok here’s the plan,” said Penelope. “We’ll have to get into the cave and surround his bed with the pig tails. This will hold the Sloth Demon down while we search for the pair of missing pants.”

Quietly, they sneaked into the cave of the Sloth Demon and did as planned. They dug the drawers and wardrobe. They searched but they couldn’t find it.

“We’re getting desperate here,” said Penelope. “Where do you think the Sloth Demon would hide a pair of stolen pants.”

“I see something under his pillow,” pointed Juliana.

Carefully, they lifted it head and pulled out the missing pants.

“Got it!” whispered Penelope. “Let’s get out of here now!”

They ran out of the cave. However to their dismay, a group of Big Wigs and Ssob creatures are standing outside.

“Why does it always happen that way?” complained Juliana. They drew their swords and decided to fight to the end.

“Lift their wigs!” yelled Penelope. “That will put them for now!”

They fought as hard as they could. They were going to get the pants safely back no matter what. “There are too many of them!”

“In here!” yelled Penelope to Juliana. They scamper into a corner under a tree.

“What are we going to do? We’re outnumbered. There is no way we are going to get of this place safely.”

“There is only one thing left to do, “said Penelope. They both joined their hands and prayed to the angels for help. Then miraculously in the sky, an army of the skunk people arrived. Both Penelope and Juliana cheered.

They came by the thousands and they released their skunk juice at the big wigs and Ssob creatures. There was a series of confusion as the enemies were attacked. The Skunk people fought viciously and drove the enemies deeper into the forest.

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 14

Saturday, August 14, 2010

FOTTP Episode 12 – A Serial Fiction

“Are you ready?” Juliana asked Penelope.

Penelope nodded. “We’re now one step closer to achieving our goal so it’s now or never.”

They put their invisibility bracelets on prepared to go in the greed demon’s cave. According to their survival guide, the greed demon eats continuously and she’s quite a fat slob. Each time she burps, she sheds some of her pigtails and this would be a good opportunity for them to collect those pigtails.

“My bracelet is a bit loose,” said Penelope.

“So is mine. I hope it doesn’t fall off or we will be in a lot of trouble when we are no longer invisible.”

“Yeah, we can’t afford to be seen by the greed demon. Goodness knows what she would do to us.”

When they stepped into the cave, they saw a human like creature sitting in front of a mountain of food. The mountain of food piled from the floor to the ceiling. The creature was very big and fat and she had so many pigtails on her head. There were some pigtails lying on the floor. Slowly and quietly, they sneaked up near her to pick up those pigtails and stuffed it in NTUC plastic bags.

“BURP!” The creature gave out a really loud smelly burp and a pigtail fell off from her head.

“It’s going to take us a really long time to get two bags full of pigtails, “ said Juliana.

Five hours passed and they finally got their two bags worth of pigtails. Both Penelope and Juliana were very tired by then.

“Let’s go,” declared Penelope. “This should be enough.”

However just as Juliana was about to get up, her bracelet came off. “Oh no!”. The greed demon suddenly turned around granted with surprise. It’s surprise slowly changed to anger and it came upon the realization that it was not alone. The greed demon charged at her but Juliana managed to dodge. The demon cornered her and stared at her angrily. It picked her up and raised her in the air.

“Run Penelope! Save yourself, you need to complete the mission.”

“I’m not going to leave you here.”

“Just go!”

“We still have the power of confidence with us. We drank the orf portion remember?” With that, Penelope walked over to the unsuspecting demon who is still not able to see her because she had her invisibility bracelet on. Without thinking, she reached toward the smelly greed demon and tickled it. The creature giggled uncontrollably and released Juliana. She fell on the ground with a thud and quickly made a run out of the cave. The demon was still laughing and giggling when Penelope quickly backed off and headed out of the cave. That was a close shave.

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 13

Saturday, August 07, 2010

FOTTP Episode 11 – A Serial Fiction

“What are Ssob creatures? Have you found anything on the survival guide?” asked Juliana.

“Yeah, they’re slave drivers. Once they capture their victims, they will enslave their victims,” replied Penelope as they began their slow descend down the valley. They had been walking for ten minutes since the skeleton had dropped them off at the banks of the river of stench.

“It sounds a lot like our human bosses!” They both laughed heartily at the thought. Then just as they stopped laughing, a group of purplish creatures dropped from the trees above and landed right in front of them. “Do the Ssob creatures look anything like them?”

“Yes. Draw your sword Jubes! We need to fight them off. We can’t afford to be enslaved by them.”

One of the creatures jumped onto Penelope and she tried to wrestle it off with her might. She was determined to fight it off no matter what. Her thoughts returned to the list of gifts that the Chastity angel had given them. They had both drank the Orf potion earlier. They should have no problems gaining strength to fight off creatures like these. With one mighty heave, she managed to throw off the creature, She quickly got up to and raised her sword but the creature ran away from her. Not far off, Juliana was busy trying to fight off two Ssob creatures. Penelope ran over to help her but as she approached, the creatures quickly backed off and disappeared into the forest.

“That was close!” said Juliana as she got up to brush the dust off her.

“The orf portion worked! It gave us strength to fight off the creatures!”

“Can you imagine what would have happened if they took us as their prisoners?

“Yeah, we wouldn’t be able to finish our mission and the world will suffer because of us. How many hours are left to find those pants? And how far are we from the Greed Demon’s cave?”

Penelope looked grave and replied, “We’ve twelve hours to complete our mission. And luck’s on our side. The greed demon’s cave is right in front of us.”

Juliana turned around and saw the cave. “It’s time to put on our invisibility bracelets.”

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 12