Sharing With Love

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The She-Lecher

I pressed the lift button and waited. The LCD screen above showed that the lift had descended from the 20th floor and stopped on the 16th. Somebody was getting onto the lift on that floor. I glanced at my watch. It was 8.20am. My eyes remained on the LCD screen as the lift slowly descended again and made its way toward my floor. I adjusted my bag's strap on my shoulders and got ready. The lift was finally here. It was time to get moving.

The doors to the lift opened to reveal a rather peculiar looking old lady. She had messy shoulder length hair and glasses that was half way down her nose. I must say she did look like she had a few screws loose in her head though. She stood standing lop sided in the corner of the lift and stared at me patronizingly. I ignored her and stepped into the lift. Little did I know that the lift ride was going to be the longest one ever as I pressed the 'door close' button.

As the lift slowly descended from the 5th floor, I felt a pair of eyes studying me closely. I looked at the old bat beside me and felt extremely uncomfortable with the way she was starring. I saw her eyes run up and down my body slowly. What a sick old lady she was! What is wrong with this lunatic? Oh yeah, she's crazy but isn't she a woman herself? I was wearing dress pants and a long sleeved blouse. There was nothing revealing about it. I tried to ignore her and looked at the lift's LCD screen. It was only the 4th floor but the lift seemed to be taking forever to get down! She whistled and I flinched. I looked at her angrily but she continued to stare lewdly.

Eeeeeeee! I would have liked to hit her with my bag but on second thoughts, what if she was my mother's friend? It's supposed to be normal to have weird people in my neighbourhood but this was one of my worst encounters ever. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I made a mental note to ask my mother if she knew any old ladies from the 16th floor when I get home.

I felt so relieved when we reached the ground floor. The she-lecher headed for the nearby shops and I quickly hurried off toward the train station. It bothered me so much that I couldn't stop thinking of the incident for days. She's a crazy old bat, get over it, I told myself but I couldn't. It would be miracle to finally move out of this neighbourhood one day and I would really like to move to a better one. I've always missed our old home. Sigh...

I had a few other encounters with the she-lecher after that. I bumped into her at the void deck once but I quickly walked off and zig zagged among the pillars to avoid her stares. The second time I saw her in the lift again (I had a complete déjà vu feeling of how it was when lift door opened the last time), I gave it a miss and waited for the next ride. I swore I would never get into the same lift with her again. Ever!

I soon developed certain paranoia for this she-lecher. Every morning I would check if the lift stopped on the 16th floor before it stopped on my floor. And every evening when I got back, I would look out for her from a distance so that I could take a different route and avoid her. Gosh! Am I slowly becoming like one of the weirdoes in this place? Please tell me I'm normal!

Ok that's it for this yucky tale of the she-lecher. So until I save up for a better place in the future, wish me luck in avoiding this crazy old bat around this neighbourhood. Eeeeeewwwww!