Sharing With Love

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The demise of Michael Jackson
I couldn't believe it when I heard that Michael Jackson had passed away yesterday. I felt so sad and shocked. He contributed so much to the music scene and so many people loved his music. Lots of people tried to imitate his dance moves too.

I remember being a young kid and watching the Grammy Awards on TV with my then teenage sister in 1984. That was the first time I heard and seen Michael Jackson's MTV on "Beat It". It was also my father's favourite song and we used to listen to his cassette tape over and over again whenever we had car trips. Those were the days. I kind of prefer his looks back then compared to his later image when he returned with the Bad album.

Although the strange stuff he did were sometimes controversial on the news, I never really cared because that was his personal life. He had a very protected life and didn't have much a of chance to live like a normal person in the first place.

I also never believed in those child molesting allegations that were made against him. It did look like he was being exploited for his money and taken advantage of for his friendliness with the kids. I'm mean which parent would simply accept a few million dollars in exchange for settling the case just like that? If the molesting had really taken place, and if I were the parent, I'd feel that nothing could undo what was done. A million dollars wouldn't change what was done. But it would just make the family a lot more richer. That's just my opinion here. Anyway, only God knows the truth and He would deal with the real culprit in time to come. After all, dirty money can only lead to dirty endings for the guilty party. If he was really innocent, I wonder how he felt about getting his heart broken by those 2 kids who accused him.

When I first learnt of Michael Jackson's death on the news, I couldn't help but wipe some tears away. I just thought it was too soon for him to pass on. I hope Michael Jackson would rest in peace. I'll keep him in my prayers and I hope that you would too.