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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Movie Review

First let me start off that you should not be reading this if you don't want the ending to Harry Potter spoiled. I know that this is a review of the movie but my biggest problems in my review lie in the fact that the movie deviates from the book. So please if you have not seen the movie or care if you know the ending please do not read on. Now that we have that spoiler warning out of the way I must give you an honest review of the movie.

Now I know that most movies deviate from the books but the Half Blood Prince deviated in all the wrong areas. I did not dislike the movie but I thought it could have been so much more. Please continue to read to see some of the major flaws I saw with this movie.

In the book there is a build up in climax for the end of the book. In the book this is the point where Harry and Dumbledore return to Hogwarts after retrieving what they thought was one of Voldemorts horcrux's only to find a battle was ensuing between the Death Eaters, The Order of the Phoenix, and a few students. While this large battle goes on Dumbledore and Harry are met by Malfoy. Before Harrycan draw his wand to strike Malfoy Dumbledore uses he wand to force Harry onto a wall rendering him useless. In this act Dumbledore loses his wand and is threatened by Malfoy.

In the movie however we meet a more cowardly Harry, in the movie Harry stays below watching nervously while Dumbledore is killed. My first major problem with the movie is the fact that they made Harry look like a coward that could not help fight. Whereas in the book Harry only stops from fighting for Dumbledore because he was restricted by a spell.

The next major problem I had with the movie was that they did not show a fight at Hogwarts, this is a major part of the book because the younger wizards begin to fight against the Death Eaters and really become the future of the wizarding community. However, once again this part was completely left.

My major gripe with the movie is that they managed to show over two hours of stupid love stories that I put up with in excitement for the end of the movie. However, the movie left me completely pissed off when they failed to show any actual fighting. All I can say at this point is I hope the next one is not this boring.

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