Sharing With Love

Saturday, June 26, 2010

FOTTP Episode 5 – A Serial Fiction

Penelope and Juliana reluctantly went on their mission to find a pair of missing tight flashy pants for a lusty demon. The universe actually works in strange ways. Angels and demons do exist. And so do other strange out of the world creatures that Chastity Jane told them about.

They took the train to City Hall MRT station and purposefully made their way toward the Padang. The field was unusually empty that very day. It was usually used by football clubs for practice sessions.

“I hope we know what we’re doing, Jubes.”

“Don’t worry Peeps, everything will be fine. According to Jane, Repissog the gypsy lady lives in the eastern part of the spiritual realm,” said Juliana with a hint of enthusiasm. “To get there, we have to find a spiritual door at grid 31 of the Padang field.”

“And how do you suppose we locate this grid 31?”

Juliana Jubes whipped out her iPad and tapped the GPS icon. The screen read, “Welcome to the spiritual realm. Please key in the destination that you would like to visit below”

Jubes promptly typed “Repissog’s Lair”. A tiny hour glass appeared on the screen. A map of the Padang Field slowly materialized on the screen with a compass. “Follow the direction to grid 31,” it read. A red arrow was blinking at the top of the screen. Skeptically, they followed the screen on the iPad. The two girls felt strange walking around the empty field but they did as they were instructed. As they approached grid 31 on the field, new instructions appeared on the screen.”Say the following phrase while jumping up and down: Hocus Pocus Nocus Pong; Leng Long Pow, Wham Bam Bong.”

Both Penelope and Juliana rolled their eyes up and reluctantly jumped up and down while reciting the words. They waited. Nothing happened. “Jubes, I feel like a fool.”

They both looked around. Leaves rustled as a light breeze blew. Then a blinding bright light appeared and surrounded them. Instinctively they shielded their eyes. When the light was gone, they dropped their hands and looked around amazed. They were now standing in a forested area that felt really creepy.

“This must be the place,” Juliana stated. “The light somehow transported us here. Chastity Jane warned us something about Bigwig creatures around this area.”

“Does the survival guide have any information on what are those?” asked Penelope.

Juliana did a search on the iPad. The device beeped and read, ”Bigwigs are creatures with big blue wigs on their heads. They like sucking up to the demons and they often act as informants of the demons. Bigwigs and demons have been friends for many centuries. They cannot be trusted. You should try not to get spotted by any Bigwigs as best as you can. This is to avoid getting into trouble. Scroll down for a full picture of how Bigwigs look like.”

She scrolled down and recoiled at the photo. It was a creature with green skin and big blue hair. Penelope tapped her shoulder and motioned her to look up. “Errr…I think that there is a Bigwig looking at us right now.”

Juliana looked up. The creature stood starring at them at it stepped out from behind a tree. Many more appeared. Penelope and Juliana took a step back in fear. Oh no! Is this then end?

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 6

Saturday, June 19, 2010

FOTTP Episode 4 – A Serial Fiction

“This is crazy, Jubes!” Penelope threw her hands in the air helplessly.”What are we going to do?”

Juliana shook her head and quietly thought to herself, Gosh! If she had known that they were going to die so soon… but her thoughts were interrupted by another expected entry of someone.

A bright white light emerged through the wall and as the light dimmed a little, they realized that it was a simple looking lady engulfed in white light. Was she a ghost?

“Fear not,” said the ghost-like entity.”I’m here to help you.”

“Are you a demon?” Penelope wanted to know.

“My name is Chastity Mary Jane and I’m the Angel of Chastity. You can just call me Jane.” The angel floated closer to them. They backed away in fear, not knowing what to expect.

“Erm J-Jane?” stuttered Penelope, “If you’re an angel, will you help us get out of this mess? We’d like to get back to our dimension.”

“Yeah, we don’t think we’re cut out for this sort of mission,” added Juliana quickly

“I’m afraid that is not possible.” The angel took a seat where Nicolette sat earlier and motioned them to sit near her. “You’re both the chosen ones and there is no turning back.”

“And what if we don’t fulfill this mission?” asked Penelope.

“Then it is with great regret that the human race will face its end.” The angel watched the two girls sink lower in their chairs hopelessly. “But fear not, the angels from heaven will guide you on this journey.”

“But how do we get this silly pair of pants back? We don’t even know where to start,” argued Juliana.

“You must first seek Repissog, the gypsy lady. She will give you all the answers you need to know. We suspect that one of the other demons must have taken the pants but Repissog will know better. Here,” Jane pulled out two backpacks from her robes and handed it to them.”This is your survival package, courtesy of all the angels for this trip. In it you will find all the things that you will need for this journey.”

They both rummaged through their packs and found an assortment of stuff that surprised them. The survival pack looked very much like our National Day Parade backpack but even better. Haha! Ok, that was a bad joke for a time like this. In the bag, were rubber bands, a catapult, an iPad , a sword, a 300 page survival guide and some gold coins.

“A 300 page survival guide?” Juliana was stumped. No wonder the bag was so heavy.

“That was meant to pull you leg,’ chuckled Jane. “You didn’t think we angels could have a sense of humour?”

Both Penelope and Juliana glanced at each other.

“A PDF version of the survival guide is also found in your iPads. The iPad, which is the latest model with its impressive memory, is GPS connected and it’ll show you the way to where you are going,” explained Jane.”If you should get lost or should need more information, just hit the explorer icon. There is internet in this dimension too.”

“What’s this?” Penelope held up a bottle of pink liquid.

“That’s Orf,” replied Jane.”It will give you confidence and strength to face whatever dangers that lie ahead. It will also give you the knowledge and reflex to use that sword to defend yourselves. You should both drink it now.”

“We’re required to fight with bad guys?” Juliana gulped.

“Only when you are needed to.”

They were eager to get over with the whole situation fast so they did as they were told. The Orf tasted very much like Strawberry and it certainly made them feel a lot better.

Penelope waved her sword confidently like how she had seen characters do in movies.”I feel like a warrior already!”

“We’ll send help from heaven whenever we can, “promised Jane. “You must now set off for your journey.”

Reluctantly, Penelope and Juliana got up to leave. What choice did they have?

Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 5

Saturday, June 12, 2010

FOTTP Episode 3 – A Serial Fiction

When Penelope opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a dark and cave-like place. She slowly got up and looked around her.

The office environment was now transformed into a strange but familiar looking place. The office furniture and picture frames were just as how it was but the walls and ceiling were made of rocks. Oil lamps lined neatly against the walls partially illuminating the surroundings. Other than the office furniture, the place looked very much like a dungeon scene on a movie set. A musty smell hung in the air.

“Where am I?” Somebody stirred. She turned to her side and realized that Juliana was lying a few feet away.

“What happened to the office?” Juliana managed to mumble as she slowly got up.

“I have no idea.” Penelope walked over to her friend and helped Juliana up. “Where is everybody? Are we in a dream? Ouch! Why did you pinch me?”

“If you didn’t wake up, this isn’t a dream,” said Juliana and she gave herself a hard pinch and yelped.

“Oh great! You guys are awake!” sang a familiar voice in a chirpy tone from the back. The presence of another voice startled them. They both wheeled around. It was Nicolette, the office bimbo wearing her short tight mini dress. Ever cheerful, Nicolette hummed a tune as she pulled a swivel chair up to them and crossed her legs. What didn’t seem right was that Nicolette acted as if coming to work in a dungeon was a normal thing to do. Both Penelope and Juliana stared at her speechless. “What’s the matter? You both look like you’ve seen a ghost,” continued Nicolette cheerfully. “Here, take a chair each and sit in front of me, I’ve a very important message from Asmodeus.”

“Asmodeus?”asked Penelope and Juliana in unison as they slowly lowered themselves down on their chairs with quizzical looks.

“You didn’t know?”Cried Nicolette as she adjusted her hair and whipped out a mirror to study her eye makeup briefly. With the motion of an expert makeup artist, she quickly withdrew her mirror and continued, “Asmodeus is the Lust Demon and I’m sort of like her messenger. We’re related in case you didn’t know.” They both didn’t know but that would really explain a lot of other things. Well, not quite everything at this moment.

“Oh! In case you’re wondering, you’re actually in the same familiar office that you are usually accustomed to. The setting looks a bit different now because you’re in another dimension. You know, the parallel dimension where angels and demons coexist with us.”

“Angels and demons?” echoed Juliana.

“Yeah! Isn’t that cool?” cried Nicolette as if they were talking about Disneyland. “Asmodeus has lost her pair of tight pants and you,” said Nicolette while pointing at Penelope and Juliana, “, are the chosen one in the human race.”

“Chosen one to do what?” asked Penelope aghast.

“To search for her missing pair of tight pants!” said Nicolette happily in a congratulatory tone.

“Why can’t Asmodeus simply get a new pair of pants?” The whole idea seemed rather absurd to Penelope.

“Oh these pants are different. When they flash, they can entice the opposite sex and put them under a spell for the other party’s immoral benefit. Somebody stole them and is using them for the wrong reasons. That sort of explains the horrible letter you got from HR. Some of your bosses brains are slowly turning to pulp because of those pants. They were flashed at the wrong people and in the wrong way too. Bigwig’s brain is now 70% pulp.”

“I guess I’ll just have to get another job,” declared Penelope. If their brains were turning to pulp, so be it. She never really liked this company anyway.

“Oh no,” Nicolette shook her head. “You’re still going to get those pants back because if you don’t, a terrible disease will spread throughout the human race and wipe out the entire human existence from earth. Just think about it, you both could be heroes when you save the world!”

Dying wasn’t a bad idea, thought Penelope.

“However,” continued Nicolette as she waved her watch at them, “You only have two days to retrieve those pants. Things can get pretty vicious if they’ve been misused for too long. But don’t worry, you two have each other.”

“Why-why us?” Penelope asked delirious. “Is there another way out of this? Perhaps there is a mistake?”

“Oops!” Nicolette quickly got up. “My time is up. I have to run. I’ve got an appointment to do my hair and nails.” And she sashayed over to the copier with a purposeful walk.

“Wait!” Penelope had so many questions to that were unanswered. Nicolette vanished into thin air before they had any time to react. Now where or how do they get started?

Tune in next week for : FOTTP Episode 4

Saturday, June 05, 2010

FOTTP Episode 2 – A Serial Fiction

Penelope Peeps sat at her workstation on a Friday afternoon looking terribly upset. She held a phone in one hand and a letter in the other. Her hands were shaking with hurt and anger as she spoke in the receiver.

“Should I or should I not?”

Her buddy, Juliana Jubes from Logistics on the 59th floor, was on the other end of the line. She was the only friend she had in this heartless slave driving company that they worked for. Minutes earlier, Miss Bigwig, the office bootlicker, had just smugly handed her a letter from the HR department and now she really needed a friend to talk to.

“No don’t do it, Peeps. It’s not a good time. You may regret this.”

“But Jubes-,” There was a sudden pause from Penelope. From the corner of her eye, Penelope saw a flash of light. She glanced up surprised but nothing seemed amiss. Miss Flip Flop, the office skiver had just walked by her cubicle dragging her feet in her flip flops. The flip flops weren’t flashy at all. In fact they were just bright green, fit for walking on the beach. Perhaps it was one of the lights flickering. She returned her attention to her friend on the line. “I can’t stand this anymore, Jubes. I’ve been tolerating this for a long time. Do you know how dreadful it is to be here in this place?”

“Don’t do it Peeps, you will regret this. Please listen to me!” There was another pause at the other end of the line. Penelope seemed a little distracted. “Peeps? Are you still there?”

“Er..yeah..I must be hallucinating. I just thought I saw a flash of lighting in the office.”

“Don’t be silly. It could just be one of the light bulbs flickering. A bulb just flashed at my end too” As she said this, a loud sonic boom sounded in the office premises.

“Jubes, I could have sworn that I heard a thunder in here. Not outside but in here. And it looks bright and sunny through the window."

“Er yeah…I hear it too. It seemed to be coming from within building. Do you think it was an explosion?”

Penelope looked around her confused. Bigwig was nowhere to be seen. Flip Flop was now in her cubicle having her usual afternoon nap. She was snoring peacefully, undisturbed by the stunning loud boom that they just heard.

“No, it can’t be. Flip Flop is still asleep.”

“Oh please, Flip Flop sleeps through anything. Her promotion was such a laugh.” snorted Juliana with a note of disgust.

There was another flash of light followed by another boom. By now Penelope was standing up from her cubicle looking around terrified. The furniture around her began to vibrate. The picture frames rattled against the walls. Dizziness overcame her. The phone’s receiver dropped from her hand as her surroundings started to whirl around in a blur. She let out a scream of terror as she suddenly felt herself plunging into some kind of abyss.


Coming soon: FOTTP Episode 3