Sharing With Love

Sunday, November 21, 2021

What's it like to be dead?

I'm now watching a YouTube video of Anita Moorjani and it's very interesting. She has once died from cancer and then came back. She's now describing her experience of being dead. One day each one of us must die. What of I leave this earth feeling regretful?

Souls do not have a physical body, no eyes, mouth etc. You hear each other telepathically. You can sense their thoughts but you cannot talk to them.

She's now talking about bad people who cross over. They cannot be evil when they are on the other side. They are all the same. Different should are at different stages of evolutions. Sometimes they need to reincarnate to learn more things....let me listen to the rest of the video. 

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Shawn Rhoden has died

46 years old is rather too young. He was a body builder and he had reportedly died from a heart attack? His fans must be shocked. Did he have any health issues before?

NYC Marathon

I'm hearing that right now that the New York City marathon has started. Its a Sunday morning there. I wonder when the results will be out. 

Saturday, November 06, 2021

Back in action

It's been awhile since this blog was active. I'm back again. 

Who would have thought that a pandemic would actually take place. COVID19 came to the world last year. It started in Wuhan, China around Dec 2019. The disease slowly spread across the world due to the mobility of so many people around the world. In some places, the number of deaths were pretty bad. I also saw various videos shared by medical professionals undergoing a lot of stress. They were stretched and have to work very long hours. There were some who broke down when their patients died. I was horrified at the how out of control the disease became. 

Economies were badly affected. Air Travel and the tourism industry were so badly affected. It also affected jobs. Companies that didn't upgrade their technology were also affected. Schools implemented home based learning and companies implemented work from home arrangements. We have to practice social distancing and wear masks. In some countries, people even protested against wearing masks. The pandemic felt like another world war. 

By the end of last year, they declared that they have come up with some form of vaccine. What is scary is that usually it takes awhile for a vaccine to be tested before it is released to the world but everyone is desperate to find a cure so various leaders decided to go on TV to show that they will be the first to be vaccinated and there is nothing to worry about. I was worried as I know my leader also has health problems and he had undergone some treatment. 

Then there were people who were against the vaccine and are discouraging people from getting vaccinated. Medical professionals continued to feel very stretched and stress. In India, when the hospitals overwhelmed, people were even forced to share beds. It was so sad. 

The Pandemic also started a few trends. More people started using zoom and teams for online meetings. Cashless payments were encouraged. Social distancing is encouraged but not many people bother to follow that. Online businesses benefited the most.

Mental health problems also rose. The prolong pandemic caused some people to go through depression from staying home too long and not being able to do their normal activities.

There are so many things to update. I'm not sure I've put them all down here. I'll try to update this blog at least once a week now.